District Court

Responding To A Citation

Defendants have 10 days after receiving a citation from an officer or summons from the court to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. Failure to respond will result in the issuance of an arrest warrant.

Online Payments

Case payments may be made online through the Pennsylvania Unified Judicial System ePay System. Visit the PA ePay portal at http://ujsportal.pacourts.us.

PA ePay online payment service charges a 2.75% convenience fee per transaction.

PA ePay Instruction Guide - English

PA ePay Instruction Guide - Spanish

Court Proceedings

A Magisterial District Judge or staff cannot provide any guidance or legal advice to a plaintiff or defendant in a case. The Judge's role is to maintain a neutral and detached position. It is the responsibility of each litigant to present to the court the information to be considered in rendering a fair decision. If you are coming to court to attend or participate in a hearing, proper attire is recommended, and respectful conduct is expected.

Magisterial District Judges Have Authority To

  • Conduct non-jury trials in summary traffic, criminal, ordinance cases, landlord/tenant actions, and civil cases involving amounts of $12,000 or less

  • Conduct preliminary arraignments and set bail

  • Preside over preliminary hearings

  • Issue criminal warrants and search warrants

  • Issue Emergency Protection From Abuse Orders

  • Perform weddings

Public Access Policy


District Court 44-3-03 Forms

Contact District Court

District Court 44-3-03
245 Muncy Street, Suite 150
P.O Box 259
Laporte, PA 18626

1-570-946-4436 (Fax)


Jennifer Y. Vandine - Presiding Magisterial District Judge