Children and Youth
To ensure that Sullivan County's children who are alleged to be dependent, neglected, or abused are protected from harm or danger; to preserve the family unit; and to educate and promote community awareness.
Nurturing Parenting Program (NPP) - is an evidenced-based program designed to teach nurturing parenting skills as an alternative to less-effective or harmful parenting and child-rearing practices. Lessons are provided in the family's home.
Independent Living (IL) - is a voluntary individual and group service offered to Sullivan County teenagers, ages 14 and older (up to age 21). The program helps youth learn important life skills they will need to live on their own. Youth earn stipends (money) for their participation and accomplishments.
Family Group Decision Making (FGDM) - is a strength-based empowerment process designed to join the wider family group, including relatives, friends, community members, and others, to collectively make decisions to resolve an identified concern.
Multi-Systemic Therapy (MST) - is an intensive family and community-based treatment program that focuses on addressing all environmental systems that impact youth (ages 12-17), including their homes and families, schools and teachers, communities and friends.
Specialized In-Home Treatement (SPIN) - is an intensive, in-home mental health program that provides individual counseling, family therapy, group therapy, parent groups, and case management services for youth ages 7 to 18 who have had problematic sexual behaviors.
Housing Initiative Grant (HIG) - is emergency funding for rent, utilities, or other needs to prevent child and family homelessness and ensure child safety.
Child Protective Services (CPS) - investigating reports of alleged child abuse within 24 hours and ensuring child safety.
General Protective Services (GPS) - investigating child neglect or all other child welfare concerns, ensuring child safety, and providing ongoing services as needed.
Case Management (Ongoing) - providing Caseworkers to assist families and children to resolve child welfare needs.
Foster Care - providing licensed family care for children who cannot remain safely in their home.
Adoption Services - providing permanency for children who cannot return safely to their own homes; adoption home studies; child and family profiles.
Residential Care - providing residential treatment for children and youth who cannot meet their treatment needs in the community.
Family Finding - identifying family or kin resources for children to provide permanency or support.
Court-Ordered Services - providing services ordered by the 44th Judicial District, i.e. home studies, supervised child visitation.
Information & Referral - providing assistance in locating appropriate resources and other services.
We also work with the following in addition to the above services.
Camp F.L.E.A. - A free, overnight camp for at risk youth, ages 9 to 12.
Sullivan County Seeds Of Hope - Free furniture and household goods for individuals and families in need.
Children's Holiday Party - Sponsored by the SCCYS Advisory Board.
Angel Tree - Assistance for families in need to provide gifts for children.
Volunteers are always welcome! If you would like to volunteer, please call us.
Reporting Child Abuse
If you suspect child abuse or neglect, immediately contact ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313 or Sullivan County Children and Youth Services at 1-570-928-0307. Emergency after-hours contact: 1-570-928-0309
Mandated reporters may submit reports regarding suspected child abuse electronically to ChildLine at http://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/
Contact Children & Youth
Children and Youth Services
9219 Route 487, Suite D
Dushore, PA 18614
1-570-928-9197 (Fax)
Lisa K. Wilcox - Director
Elaine Collum - Casework Supervisor
Stephanie Chase – Fiscal Administrator
Morgan Savage - Caseworker
Tori Stasiak - Caseworker II
R. Jake Heckrote - Caseworker II
Jenice Barrett - Caseworker/Parent & Youth Educator